Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Star of the Week

This week for school Morgan was the "Star of the Week" so had to make a poster about herself. Although I know I would have major poster envy if I saw what some of the other kids posters looked like after their crafty moms did most of the work for them, we were determined to let her do this by herself! It actually turned out cuter than I thought it would. You can't see all the writing, but on the very top and very bottom it says "I love u Mommy and Daddy". She also labeled the pictures...Me and my baby brother, Me and my mommy, and the last one...Me, my daddy, my baby brother and my Carson! My Carson...that was my favorite. She also wrote donuts and healthy peaches as some of her favorite foods. Some of the stickers are Littlest Pet Shop, a ladybug and soccer ball, princess Belle and the rest are just glittery flower stickers that seem to make it onto nearly every art project. She was very proud!


Janessa said...

morgan's was by far the best poster with all of her own writing!

Jamie said...

I love the poster!! Especially that she likes "healthy" peaches, as opposed to the unhealthy ones. :) She's a star - I love that she did it by remorse necessary. :)