Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boys, ducks and the park

Last week we skipped our normal Wednesday activity to feed the ducks, ride bikes and play at the park. It was such gorgeous weather and Carson was having a hard time since the week before he had been with Morgan all day every day since it was Spring Break. Here is Holden enjoying his white bread treat.
Almost done with the first piece. I'm sure he's wondering why we don't buy that stuff more often.
My cute boys. Go Cubs!
No socks since he fell in the duck pond almost up to his waist. Why has that never happened in ALL the times that Chris has taken him to feed the ducks???
Loving his new freedom from walking!
Seeing how fast he can go.
So happy.

Holden Pictures

Practicing his new climbing skills to get in and out of the toy basket.
Reading a fun book with Daddy.

More books!

Wondering why Carson had to take all the pictures out of this book.

So cute.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jumper - Absolutely Priceless

Outdoor Bliss

So last April, Carson thought finding this is the backyard was the best thing ever. It provided an afternoon's worth of entertainment.

Meet Jumper. He was this afternoon's entertainment.

Don't mind all the pictures. 44 were taken! I had to add a lot so our families could get the full picture of just how much fun was had with this poor little frog. The net is what he was initially caught with.

Can you just see the wheels turning in his head now that he actually has him?

So proud.

Next he lived in this medium sized Dora bucket.

Maybe a smaller bucket is better. Taking him for a ride down the slide.

Holding him oh-so-gently.

His final home. I was going to say his final resting place. But much to our surprise he lived to make it out of here and was even set free to leave our backyard. I thought for sure the internal injuries would have been too much for him.

Showing that he lived another trip down the slide.

Now go back and watch the video above and it will make a lot more sense!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Holden walking

Here is video of Holden walking yesterday. I didn't realize until now that you can hardly see his cute little face because the quality is so bad. But he still looks cute walking!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fresh Air

We have been passing a flu bug around our house for five days. 3 out of 5 have already been hit. Hoping the last two avoid it! Since it felt like spring here this afternoon, I knew we had to get out and get some fresh air.

Holden enjoying his new independence on the playset.

Morgan during a brief happy moment.

Playing with the big kids in the sandbox.

Would you like some cake?