Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not Much New...

So there hasn't been much to post about at the Brown house lately. My kids don't want their picture taken, so I can't even do pictures only! Lately though, we've learned that a limping toddler can be a bad thing...But fortunately for us it was just an expensive thing! Carson went about four days without really using his left leg, but after $75 in co-pays plays x-rays he is healed. It wasn't quite the same around here with him back to crawling!

We do have a bit of cabin fever going on though...We miss being able to go to the park or ride bikes outside everyday. The pics above are of Morgan and Carson getting along so great in the morning. At about 4:30pm everyday things look a lot different! And yes, that is the remote that Morgan is holding. She doesn't have it all day, I promise!

Here is Morgan making her gingerbread house - yes, out of a kit! Hopefully she enjoyed it just as much as one I would have made from scratch! Our tree (fake and so hideous) is up and the lights are up outside. We have driven around a few times already to see the lights around the neighborhood and we get SO many questions about why we don't have any blow up decorations or moving reindeer in our yard. Maybe someday Morgan!
We have to get to see Santa this weekend, Morgan and Chris have their ball on Friday and we can't WAIT to go to Michigan for Christmas!

1 comment:

Mira and Eric said...

Your kiddos are so cute, Alli! As for the blow-up yard Santas--resist! I was in Dallas around Christmas several years ago and they were everywhere! And now they've made their way north. Hope you guys are doing well!
Mira :)

p.s. I refused to go near Santa on my first visit.