Saturday, September 12, 2009

Holden David Brown

Holden David arrived on August 21st at 6:13pm. 'Holden' is honestly the only boy name that ever stayed on our list for long and his middle name is after both of his Grandpas! He arrived after much drama, including three brief stays in the hospital and bed rest at home for a few days (bed rest at home is VERY hard by the way!).

The second picture is the first time Morgan and Carson were meeting him. Poor Morgan, I don't know how she ever went to sleep the night before knowing that he had been born but not being able to meet him yet. In the second pic of Chris and the kids, you can see the anxiety on Carson's face, not sure at all what to think of this new little person. Next is proud big sister Morgan holding him for the first time and the first picture of just Chris and Holden.

As soon as the older kids came to the hospital the next morning, all of the nurses commented on how Holden looks like both of them and how Carson looks like Chris. It is so funny to hear strangers say that! And yes, Holden has "the nose"! Just like his big sister, big brother and both of his cousins! There is something about that nose...

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