Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun with Uncle Eric and fire fighters

My brother Eric was in town for work recently so he was able to visit us one night. The kids LOVED it! M and C will say they miss Grandma and Grandpa (so sad...insert tears) and especially Carson has been saying it a lot lately. So they were so excited to have Eric visit. I can't wait for them to get to hang out with their cousins and get to know them more as the kids get older. Can't believe how old Morgan looks in this picture!

Carson has always loved anything related to fire trucks, but due to some extra excitement at our house a couple weeks ago, he has taken a special interest. The two of them were playing fire trucks for quite a while one day!

July 4th

Just some fun pictures from July 4th weekend. I know some of them need to be edited, but we are having some computer issues right now so I can't. They're still cute! I had some cute ones of the kids playing with Pop Its for the first time but Carson was in only a shirt and his underwear once again so I decided not to post them! :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Visitors

We love it when family visits! The last of our visitors were my parents a few weeks ago. We don't normally have visitors this far into summer, but we were fortunate to luck out with some rain and cooler temps. It was a fun, chaotic and productive visit! Here are Grandma P. and Holden. I cannot believe how much he looks like her side of the family here (even if I'm the only one who sees it), what a cutie!!

Grandpa P. with Carson and Morgan

Getting projects done...hanging the kids chore charts. I just realized this is the third picture within a few days that I've posted of Carson in his underwear. Must work on that...

Luckily Grandpa P. loves the heat so the boys (minus Holden) spent some time in the backyard. I think Carson was shocked, amazed and thrilled that they let him use the hose to make mud in the sandbox.

Especially since it's summer and we don't have a lot of activities, it's always hard when family leaves. Can't wait for our Michigan trip in less than a month!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good Daddy

Baby over shoulder and pushing the stroller with his diaper bag in it...Such a good daddy.

Backyard Water Fun

Just some fun action shots of the kids getting creative in the backyard. They love the play set they got for Christmas and water makes it even more fun! I just love seeing the fun they come up with when they're together outside. Carson especially could spend hours and hours out there. We try to not say "No" very much and let him make a muddy mess all he wants!

Sunday, July 4, 2010