Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun with Uncle Eric and fire fighters

My brother Eric was in town for work recently so he was able to visit us one night. The kids LOVED it! M and C will say they miss Grandma and Grandpa (so sad...insert tears) and especially Carson has been saying it a lot lately. So they were so excited to have Eric visit. I can't wait for them to get to hang out with their cousins and get to know them more as the kids get older. Can't believe how old Morgan looks in this picture!

Carson has always loved anything related to fire trucks, but due to some extra excitement at our house a couple weeks ago, he has taken a special interest. The two of them were playing fire trucks for quite a while one day!


Linzy said...

Extra excitement about firetrucks relating to your house...??? I sure hope you didn't need any!! Please elaborate...

LuckyStarErin said...

Hi! Yes, I live here in DeWitt and went to MSU. Go Green! You have a beautiful family. Texas is a great state, too.