Monday, February 14, 2011

Rewind to Thanksgiving

Had to rewind back to Thanksgiving so that this was in my kids "blog books" some day! My brother, sister-in-law and their two kids came to visit us for Thanksgiving. They came earlier in the week and overlapped with my parents for a couple days who came on Thanksgiving day. The visit was a blast! Hopefully it is one of many future cousin visits and hopefully my other brother's family will be with us next time too!

So the pictures I ended up with aren't that great and really random, but priceless nonetheless. That may have been due to the stomach flu and food poisoning visiting multiple people during the week...Hmmm....really, did that have to happen with 11 people in this house? But we made the most of it. We had amazing weather for the first part of the visit so the kids spent a lot of time outside.

Here are Carson and Gracie in the sandbox. Not sure about Carson's smile here, but Gracie looks cute!

Morgan and Gracie cozy during some tv time. The two girls will have to stick together with four boy cousins!

Uncle Eric reading to Holden and Milo.

Grandma P. and Holden

Grandpa P. and Holden.

I had to cut Morgan out of this picture because she wasn't dressed, but Milo's face was too great to not post. Uncle Eric had them jumping off the chair onto pillows below.

1 comment:

Alison Petersen said...

Ha! What a fun week that was, sickness and all! Can't wait to see you guys this summer!